QiDao Weekly Updates — Week 28 (11/08–11/14/2021)

QiDao Protocol
2 min readNov 15, 2021


Recent Announcements

  • Find our week 28 fundamental review on our Medium
  • Protocol TVL crosses 100 Million
  • Farming live on Fantom: MAI-USDC and QI-FTM
  • QiDao Analytics Team receives a Grant from Polygon Ecosystem DAO
  • Pods Finance welcomes MAI as collateral
  • SpiritSwap whitelists MAI
  • MAI is now on Paintswap. You can earn Brush for providing liquidity to MAI-FTM
  • Debt ceilings reached: Polygon: WBTC, WETH, camWBTC, camWETH, camDAI, camWMATIC. Fantom: FTM, BTC, ETH, mooScreamWBTC, mooScreamFTM, mooScreamDAI, mooScreamETH, mooScreamLINK, yvWFTM, yvDAI. Avalanche: mooAaveAVAX
  • Debt ceilings will be increased in response to MAIs peg performance
  • Launched vaults on Avalanche
  • QiDao Sponsors POAPathon: There are 4 design contests and $2000 in prizes for the winners. Participate here: Link
  • Collaterals launched: Beefy Scream LPs as collaterals for MAI on Fantom, Beefy amAVAX
  • QI is now on Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche
  • The Hub launches on Avalanche and Moonriver
  • We’ve completed our second audit: Link
  • MAI and QI are now on Dharma
  • Zapper supports QiDao on Fantom.
  • QiDao helped Fantom host a $1 Million hackathon
  • Amount of Qi staked 10,089,555
  • 9,562 addresses holding Qi


  • Harmony, Moonriver, Cronos Launch — waiting on Chainlink integration.
  • Votes to Incentivize MAI and QI liquidity on Avalanche
  • Spending MAI via a crypto debit card
  • Votes for collaterals: BIFI, mooBIFI, JOE.
  • Spooky and Trader Joe LPs as collateral.
  • AMA with Otterclam
  • NEAR partnership

Conversations in the works

  • Market making for MAI
  • Liquidity incentives to increase demand for MAI
  • Partnership with Crypto Colosseum
  • Cross chain partnerships with projects on Moonriver, Fantom, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos, Solana etc.
  • Creating committees lead by community members
  • Building an QiDao automation unit to build automations that will improve the protocol

Most Recent Fireside Chats and AMAs

You can find them all on our fireside chats on YouTube channel

You can also listen to our fireside chats and AMAs on our podcast channel on Spotify

Community growth

  • Lao Zi Twitter: 5,265 followers (3.34% increase)
  • QiDao Protocol Twitter: 7,389 Followers (19.97% increase)
  • Telegram: 1,727 members (0.99% decrease)
  • Discord: 5,684 members (6.98% increase)
  • Youtube: 322 subscribers (1.9% increase)

Asks for the the community

  • As we launch on other chains, help spread the word amongst your communities to try out our vaults.
  • Spread the word of our borrowing incentives. Share with communities to encourage them to use QiDao Vaults.
  • Engage in community discussions on Discord
  • Vote when we have QIPs out.
  • More important than ever are partnerships we can make on other chains — If you think of partnerships that can help please introduce us.

Learn more about QiDao and get involved in the community





