QiDao Weekly Updates — Week 23 (10/4–10/10/2021)

QiDao Protocol
2 min readOct 12, 2021


Recent Announcements

  • Find our weekly fundamentals review here
  • The community is voting on a QIP to take QiDao vaults to other chains. snapshot
  • QiDao was part of QuickSwaps birthday Extravaganza to celebrate their first birthday.
  • Debt ceilings reached: camWETH, WETH, WBTC, BAL — Debt ceilings are increased 48hrs after the debt ceilings are reached.
  • Solarbeam launched a MAI-USDC LP on Moonbeam. MAI can be bridged to Moonbeam through our bridge partner Relay Chain.
  • Amount of Qi staked 7,072,768 (8.34% increase)
  • 8,324 addresses holding Qi (0.47% increase)
  • QiDao TVL has been added to DeFi Pulse
  • Launched our Market.xyz markets by seeding 1M MAI
  • Updated home page and landing page.

Upcoming Activities

  • Fireside Chat with Bankless
  • Voting on LPs as collateral through Market.xyz
  • Voting on adding FTM, AVAX, camDAI as collateral
  • Multichain marketing launch
  • Cloakwire final report

Things in the works

  • Strategies with Polygon team
  • Ecosystem grants
  • QiDao being part of the Polygon Ecosystem Dao
  • Partnering with NFT and gaming projects on Polygon
  • Cross chain partnerships — Moonriver, Fantom,Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos, Solana etc.
  • PR marketing push
  • Liscon marketing & sponsorship
  • Liscon side event
  • Creating committees lead by community members
  • Integrating the camToken zappah made by Royalaid
  • Polygon hackathon bounty — “How might we use automation within Mai.finance to improve the user experience?”
  • Instadapp bounty — We are looking for individuals that are interested in building cool automations using instadapp. More information about the bounty can be found here

Most Recent Fireside Chats and AMAs

You can find them all on our fireside chats on YouTube channel

You can also listen to our fireside chats and AMAs on our podcast channel on Spotify

Community growth

  • Lao Zi Twitter: 4,924 followers (1.25% increase)
  • QiDao Protocol Twitter: 3,899 Followers (5.52% increase)
  • Telegram: 1,651 members (0.18% increase)
  • Discord: 4,173 members ( 5.65% increase)
  • Youtube: 304 subscribers (0.66% increase)

Asks for the the community

  • As we launch on other chains, help spread the word amongst your communities to try out our vaults.
  • Spread the word of our borrowing incentives. Share with communities to encourage them to use QiDao Vaults.
  • Vote when we have QIPs out.
  • More important than ever are partnerships we can make on other chains — If you think of partnerships that can help please introduce us.

Learn more about QiDao and get involved in the community





