QiDao Weekly Updates — Week 19 (9/6–9/12/2021)
3 min readSep 14, 2021
Recent Announcements
- We launched our new liquidity mining program with Quickswap. Through this partnership there are now 6 incentivized pools.
- MAI can now be bridged to Avalanche and Fantom. To bridge MAI to Avalanche you can use Relay Chain. To bridge MAI to Fantom you can use AnySwap exchange.
- We have partnered with Trader Joe, the largest DEX on Avalanche to have an incentivized MAI-USDC pool. Within the first few days of the pool being live we hit over $5 million in liquidity.
- Amount of Qi staked 5,386,959 (22.31% of circulating supply; 0.31% increase)
- 6,342 addresses holding Qi (1.65% week-to-week increase)
- QiDao Improvement Proposal results: We will not move forward with QIP024 — Listing QI and MAI on AscendEX. Our team will address the community’s concerns with AscendEX. The community voted in favor of QIP025: Partnering with Amun / 21 Shares. Our team will proceed with the partnership discussions.
- The Saber MAI-USDC pool reached over $40 million in liquidity
- Events of the week: AMA with Index Coop
- Weekly reward vaule from QiDao and partners is over $600,000
Upcoming Activities
- Vault incentives set to launch next Monday
- Vault UI updates to be released this week
- DAI and USDT will be added to Anchor
- New collateral QIP
- Polygon hackathon bounty — “How might we use automation within Mai.finance to improve the user experience?”
- Instadapp bounty
Things in the works
- Continued Improvements to app site UI
- LPs as collateral
- Paid marketing ads
- Marketing campaign
Community things in the works
- Cam vault zappah — Royalaid
- KPI Options — Wraithers, 0xEvan, Geekvine, Sisuspeed
- Mai Unofficial Guide — Pingu1
Most Recent Fireside Chats
- Index Coop Core Contributors
- Balancer Labs Baller
- Bobby Goodlatte
- Beefy Finance Head of Marketing
- UMA Growth Strategist
- DODO C-Founder and CMO
- ChainLinkGod
- Gnosis Safe Business Development
- Quickswap — Tyler
- Fireside Chat with Balancer- CEO & Founder
You can find them all on our YouTube channel
You can also listen to our fireside chats and AMAs on our podcast channel on Spotify
Community growth
- Lao Zi Twitter: 4,763 followers (1.49% increase)
- QiDao Protocol Twitter: 3,211 Followers (8.52% increase)
- Telegram: 1,598 members (3.90% increase)
- Discord: 3,747 members ( -1.03%decrease)
- Youtube: 301 subscribers (increase 1.01%)
Asks for the the community
- **Big push is marketing. Please help where you can by sharing and liking content & tweets. Feel free to share marketing ideas on our community suggestions channel on Discord.
- Vote — The next few weeks will be important in crafting the future of QiDao. We have enabled the Qi Powah boost to give you more voting power.
- Partnerships — If you think of partnerships that can help with the following please suggest them or introduce us: Increase use cases of MAI, Help MAI peg, Increase protocol value.
- Ask in Discord how you can help.
- Retweet and tag us on Twitter.
Learn more about QiDao and get involved in the community