QiDao Weekly Updates — Week 15 (8/9–8/15/2021)

QiDao Protocol
3 min readAug 16, 2021


Amounts are based on prices at time of posting

Recent Announcements

  • Qi staked 3,824,672.689 (19% of circulating supply, 3% increase)
  • Vaults Launching: Sushi, wBTC
  • 5822 addresses holding Qi (4% increase)
  • Votes: QIP 016: Comprehensive security audit by Cloakwire — Result: Passed, QIP 017: Increasing Capital Efficiency — Result: Passed (will implement weighted average based on results), QIP 018: Adding USDC Swap (Anchor) fees to Revenue Distribution — Result: Passed, QIP 019: Adding other stablecoins to the Swap (New name: Anchor) — Result pending
  • KPI Options: Community discussion in Discord recording
  • QiDao KPI Task Force doc
  • Discord channels have been restructured for a better community experience
  • Dune analytics: 0xEvan and ek247375
  • Docs created by the community
  • Financials will be included in the QiDao Fundamental Review
  • USDC Swap name changed to Anchor
  • New QIP process and standards for governance added to official docs
  • Ads on Polygonscan and Tin Network
ad on Polygon
ad on Tin Netwok

Upcoming Activities

  • Voting on camToken stables to be used as collateral
  • Add new collaterals
  • New LTE reward program QIP

Product Improvements

Making the dapp easier to use and understand with informational side bars
Added Transak to the site for users to on ramp directly to QiDao from fiat
Making it easier for users to know if they qualify for this weeks Qi staking revenue share.

Things in the works

  • Improvements to app site UI
  • Vault incentives

Most Recent Fireside Chats

You can find them all on our YouTube channel

Community growth

  • Lao Zi Twitter: 4,538 followers (1% increase)
  • QiDao Protocol Twitter: 1,582 Followers (4% increase)
  • Telegram: 1,517 members (increase 1%)
  • Discord: 3,538 members (increase 1.5%)
  • Youtube: 284 subscribers (increase 2.5%)

Community shoutouts

  • Investor Bren for his in depth video about QiDao — Make sure to like and share the video to support community members
  • GenKham — Creating fantastic content
  • wk, chimp, 0xloqi, swo9000 — community activity and discussions

Asks for the the community

**Big push is marketing. Please help where you can by sharing and liking content & tweets. It you think of cool and unique marketing ideas please suggest them and tag staff in Discord.

Vote — The next few weeks will be important in crafting the future of QiDao. We have enabled the Qi Powah boost to give you more voting power.

Partnerships — If you think of partnerships that can help with the following please suggest them or introduce us:

  • Increase use cases of MAI
  • Help MAI peg
  • Increase protocol value
  • Increase community growth
  • Fireside chat guests

Checkout our outstanding bounties for being awarded Qi on Discord

Retweet and tag us on Twitter.

Learn more about QiDao and get involved in the community





